“Become Part of Something Unique with North American Hand Papermakers.”
— Paul Romaine, Executive Director, North American Hand Papermakers
Become an NAHP Member
Become a member now to connect with a knowledgeable community, stay informed about happenings in the world of papermaking, and meet fellow papermakers and artists at our world-class conferences held in different locations each year.
Learn about papermaking while growing your artistic and scholarly knowledge by joining us at North American Hand Papermakers! Visit the membership site to join, renew, or check your membership status.
“Becoming a member made me feel like I am part of a larger papermaking community where I could share my experiences and learn from others.”
— Jenn Woodward, former Board member, Portland, Oregon
Our Membership Directory
You will receive a profile in our Membership Directory along with online access to our complete membership database and directory of members. You will also receive a monthly email newsblast that contains members-only news such as exhibition opportunities, a chance to attend our annual conference along with doings and happenings around the world of papermaking.
NAHP Digital Publications
Members also receive our annual electronic newsletter, Bull & Branch, which will contain a theme and articles surrounding that specific theme. A second Bull and Branch on a special topic may be published in some years (beginning 2019).
NAHP Service & Archives
You gain online access to archives of our past Bull & Branch issues along with archives of past monthly members-only email newsblasts. You gain invaluable access to the monthly eblast to promote your personal exhibitions, articles, announcements, and work in hand papermaking. As a member you are also eligibile to serve on the Executive Council & Board of Directors (ECBOD).
“I had the opportunity to present my art work in a panel…I met several professionals in the field of hand papermaking…The contacts I made at the conference will be important networks for my future art career in the paper and fiber arts...The experience exceeded my expectations in terms of learning, sharing, and networking. I am honored and thrilled to have had the support to attend this valuable conference, and I look forward to the next.”
— Alex Borgen, 2013 Scholarship recipient
What Does Your Membership Support?
The North American Hand Papermakers (formerly Friends of Dard Hunter) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Membership dues support: Production of Bull & Branch projects; the development of annual conferences and members’ exhibitions; costs associated with publicity, communications, membership development and administration.
A portion of your membership fee goes directly to support the Dard Hunter collection at the Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking (excluding student memberships). In addition to this support, we encourage you to become a paper museum member.
NAHP Membership Fees
The membership year follows a calendar year from January 1 through December 31.
Beginning in 2020, members outside the United States no longer pay an additional fee as international members.
Visit the membership site to join, renew, or check your status.
(New members only joining after October 1 have their membership extended until the following December.)
Student & Intern $25
This NAHP student & intern membership is geared toward students and interns who are have started their pursuits in papermaking and are interested in joining our professional community.
Regular $55
This NAHP regular membership is geared toward professionals, educators, and creatives who are engaged in papermaking and seek community connections and resources.
Family $70
This NAHP regular membership is geared toward families who are engaged in papermaking as creative interest or professional practice, and seek community connections and resources.
Institutions $100
This NAHP institution membership is geared toward institutions who are engaged in papermaking stewardship and education, and seek community connections, networking, and resources.
How to Become A NAHP Member
NAHP Upper Level Memberships
Please ask about our Patron, Sustaining, and Upper Level Memberships!
“The conference helped expand my definition of what paper is and can be. The event has also connected me to such a wonderful group of people who have so much passion for this material.”
— 2017 Scholarship Recipient
Become an NAHP Member
Join our vibrant hand papermaking community and access your membership benefits.