Maria Ceballos
La Cordillera is the Grain

Media: Handmade Nagashizuki style washi peeled and cut.
Size: 22 cm x 154 cm x 10 cm

Artist Statement:
The papermaking practice involves a contemplative and almost meditative state that I have linked to the rest of my music and artistic practice as well to the concept of belonging and landscape that is present in all of my artistic production.

These specific pieces were made in a closed space and state of self involvement where the already formed paper material is transformed by repetition and actions of micro construction. They are reminders of the place and culture that now, in these strange moments, seems so far and unreachable but that is my own.


Born in Bogotá, Colombia, María Carolina is a visual artist and photographer with a passion for traditional music and sound/voice experimentation. Currently doing an MFA in the Book Arts at the University of Iowa Center for the Book, she links her music practice, experimentation with language, photography theory and visual arts background with the book and paper arts.

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