Jane Metzger - Metzger_Jane_1.JPG

Jane Metzger
Time to Cross the Divide

Media: Handmade paper, shifu

Artist Statement:
TIME TO CROSS THE DIVIDE is one small statement piece of a set of 150. It speaks about the several divides currently in our society:  racial, political, religious,  cultural, gender and age. Societal solutions must include honest, empathetic dialog with people of groups other than your own. We are all people. 

Sheet fibers: abaca-“Critter” beaten 4hrs, black linen rag -“Critter” beaten 7hrs

Shifu - same fibers, spun



Jane Metzger has been a Visual Artist, High School Art Teacher and Teaching Artist for many years. Using various media, she has always been concerned with the message of the art as well as the visual quality of the work.

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