Sarah Rose Lejeune
admit one / keep this coupon 

Media: Handmade cotton and linen papers, blowout, stenciled linen pulp paint.  

Artist Statement:
"Admit one / keep this coupon" is a re-presentation of a pile accumulated at the end of a night spent at an arcade or a carnival. An exchange value. So many dollars spent on so many games in which so many tickets were won and then ultimately traded for something more clearly prized (a stuffed animal, a slap-on bracelet, a bag of candy). Ticket stubs are preserved in scrapbooks, stuffed in shoe boxes of old letters, artifacts from experiences (plays, concerts, a school dance). They represent entrance, permission, a memory. I understand paper as a medium of record keeping, a memory device, democratic, a substance people interact with every day, a material that communicates the relevance of familiarity to personal and collective experience.




Sarah Rose Lejeune is a sculptor, papermaker, artist originally from Massachusetts. She graduated with High Honors in Studio Art from Oberlin College. She has followed various opportunities for residency, work and education at The Morgan Conservatory in Cleveland, OH, The Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, NY, The Dirt Palace in Providence, RI, Dieu Donné in Brooklyn, NY, and more. SR completed the Core Fellowship Program at the Penland School of Craft in the Winter of 2018. She continues to work at Penland as the Books and Paper Studio Coordinator, and maintains a steady studio practice.

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